Civilisation américaine TD

Civilisation américaine TD
Licence Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


Sont proposés au choix:
 * un cours sur la politique étrangère américaine
 * un cours sur la culture populaire américaine.
 American Foreign Policy in the 20th Century (1898- 2008)
 This series of nine two-hour tutorial courses will offer students a different perspective on the history of the United States. By studying American foreign policy, students will not only further their knowledge of the country’s rich history in the twentieth century; they will also understand how the United States positioned itself on the world stage. How other countries viewed this foreign policy will also be studied in class, where primary source documents and newspaper articles will be used as a basis for discussion.   
 CULTURE POPULAIRE: From the Gilded Age to the Jazz Age : American music and social change (1870-1930)
 This tutorial course will provide students with a survey of the United States from 1870 to 1930, at a time when the freshly reunited country launched on a quest to define its modern culture. Following the work of European Romantic nationalists, American folklorists and proponents of Old-World elitism vied to define “Americanness.” The music of the era mirrored the tensions between North and South, country and city, black and white, as well as between the elite and the working classes. As the 1920 census revealed that more than half of the US population now lived in urban areas, Jefferson’s agrarian dream had receded into the background. From the performance of blackness in minstrel shows by Blacks and Whites alike to the popularization of black musical idioms from ragtime to blues and jazz, the American music of the period recorded the nation’s ambiguous attitude towards modernization and its struggle to make sense of diverse cultural traditions.  

Compétences visées

Macro-compétences : contextualiser des faits, des productions, des connaissances/ Adopter une approche réflexive et critique des objets d’étude.

Contextualiser des sources primaires, synthétiser l'information provenant de sources secondaires, construire un argumentaire critique, s'exprimer à l'oral et à l'écrit, prendre position dans un débat, mettre en rapport différents supports (visuels, audio, écrits).


  • Études anglophones


Bibliographie, lectures recommandées

Pour la politique étrangère: History of American Foreign Policy, Volume 2: From 1895 (4th Revised edition) by Gerald A. Combs. M.E. Sharpe, 2012. (ISBN-10: 0765633507). 
 Pour la culture populaire: 
 American Popular Music: From Minstrelsy to MP3, by Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman, 4th edition, 2013. 


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