Domaines linguistiques TD

Domaines linguistiques TD
Licence Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


This module offers a choice of 4 courses, each of which studies a different area within the vast field of linguistics. Please bear in mind that as places are limited, you may not obtain your first choice.
 Sociolinguistics. M. HIGGS
 This class is taught in English.

Broadly speaking, Sociolinguistics is the study of the links between language and society. In this class, we will begin by defining key terms in sociolinguistics, before going on to look at some varieties of English and their connections with the age, gender, geographical location, and social class of the speaker. We will also examine some recent varieties of English and their evolution. Audio and video documents will be available for study on the Moodle page.
 A linguistic approach to humour. M. KOSTANTZER
This class is taught in English.

The objective of this course is to show how linguistics can help analyse humorous effects. The first part of the course will be the occasion to introduce a wide range of theories (by Ansombre, Ducrot, Attardo, Grice, Bakthin, to name a few), which we will then try to use in combination with grammatical and syntactic analyses in order to describe the mechanisms of humour. Our first corpus will be a selection of punchline jokes, our second will be humorous passages from The Code of the Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse.
 Sociolinguistic perspectives on phonological variation: A variationist study of English accents. Mme PUKLI 
This class is taught in English.

This course explores phonological variation in English accents through a variationist approach. It examines a diverse range of accents, their social and geographical dimensions, and the factors influencing phonological variation. Students will develop an understanding of the variationist framework and study two varieties in particular: Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA). They will subsequently further explore regional, social, and stylistic variation in order to interpret phonological patterns in English accents.
 Active participation is esse ntial for success in this course, as students will engage in various activities such as group work, independent research tasks, and peer teaching. Active involvement and a strong sense of autonomy will significantly contribute to achieving positive learning outcomes.
 Stylistics and narratology 
 This class is taught in English.

This class will be devoted to text analysis: first we will dwell on narratology and examine the importance of narration and perspective in a narrative text, and then we will thoroughly study the syntactic and semantic devices at work in a text. Our final aim is to understand how a text literally « makes sense ».

Compétences visées

Macro-compétences : expliquer le fonctionnement de la langue étudiée/ adopter une approche réflexive et critique des objets d’étude

  • Comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue dans un contexte de communication.

  • Mettre en œuvre une démarche analytique.

  • Savoir établir des liens entre les observables et le sens.

Décloisonner les connaissances et les méthodes.


  • Études anglophones


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement