Domaines linguistiques TD

Domaines linguistiques TD
Licence Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


This module offers a choice of 4 courses, each of which studies a different area within the vast field of linguistics. Please bear in mind that as places are limited, you may not obtain your first choice.
 Semantics and pragmatics. M. Consigny 
The class is taught in English
The aim of this course is to look at meaning, in as many of its facets as possible. Starting with a definition of semantics, it explores several different approaches (componential analysis, the prototype theory, ...) in order for the students to acquire as many tools as possible for the description of meaning and its justification. In a second part, some pragmatic aspects are presented.
 A linguistic approach to literary texts. M. KOSTANTZER 
This class is taught in English.

The objective of this course is to show how a primarily linguistic approach to literary texts (short poems or extracts taken from the Romantic period) can help apprehend a poem’s unity, an author’s style, and perhaps a genre. The first two weeks of the course will be used to provide the students with a general theoretical framework, inspired by utterer-centred theories, and the remaining weeks will consist of an application to a selection of texts that will be given in class together with a bibliography.
 Contrastive linguistics and translation. Mme MAECHLING 
This class will be taught in French.
This class aims at enriching our understanding of the French and English languages through translation. The first part of the semester will be devoted to comparing French and English in terms of syntax and semantics. Then we will use these tools to analyse full texts and comment on their translations, or to make our own translations and explain our choices.
 Sociocognitive perspectives on language: Exploring the complexities of mind and culture. Mme Pukli 
This class is taught in English.

This course in linguistics explores how language shapes and is shaped by culture and cognition, offering a comprehensive perspective on the intricate connections among them. Have you ever wondered how humans developed language? Do animals communicate differently from us? How do children learn to speak? What is the connection between language and thought? Are you curious about the evolving nature of global communication in a digital world? Through thought-provoking discussions and in-depth exploration, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of some of the fundamental questions in the study of language.
 Engagement is key in this course, as you will participate in group work, individual research tasks, and peer teaching. Active involvement and a high degree of autonomy are crucial for successful learning outcomes.

Compétences visées

Macro-compétence : expliquer le fonctionnement de la langue étudiée

  • Comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue dans un contexte de communication.

  • Mettre en œuvre une démarche analytique.

  • Savoir établir des liens entre les observables et le sens.

Décloisonner les connaissances et les méthodes.


  • Études anglophones


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement