Rock Mythologies

Rock Mythologies
Catalogue des cours - Faculté des languesParcours Département d'études anglophones


The aim of this course is to study the trajectories, gestures, persona creations and cultural resonance of a few artists from the rock scene and media culture of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s (including the Beatles, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Andy Warhol and Elvis Presley).

Inspired by Star Studies, performance studies, semiotics and Jungian psychology, our approach will be to study how those artists come to reconfigure archetypal cultural roles and functions (hero, prophet, griot, shaman, trickster...) and form in the collective imagination a modern mythological pantheon that the culture uses to embody values, negotiate cultural and social tensions and interpret itself.

The sessions will include studies of texts, images, performances and videos.